Mmm. I guess it depends but for many we're possibly past that point. Thinking about it, it's probably not a real binary - one or the other. Our different selves are interrelated and overlapping. Since I started writing and existing in online communities as the writer version of myself it's had an impact on how I am in the physical world. Our achievements or mistakes can certainly carry over. I suppose it's something we'll have to grapple with more seriously when we're talking capital M - Metaverse. Thanks for reading mate.
on the flip side - there's a lot of scope for gamifying the learning experience and creating simulations and virtual experiences that require actual learning in order to skill up. Imagine a star wars podracer game where you can learn the basics of maths and engineering, and it all contributes to your avatar skillsets (which then becomes your digital ID card)... then are you investing in a virtual world or is it virtual investment into the real world? Who knows, soon we might see Fortnite University as an actual thing. They already have fashion shows and album launches on Fortnite so why not real world skills?
how long until we are investing more into our virtual selves than our non-virtual selves?
Mmm. I guess it depends but for many we're possibly past that point. Thinking about it, it's probably not a real binary - one or the other. Our different selves are interrelated and overlapping. Since I started writing and existing in online communities as the writer version of myself it's had an impact on how I am in the physical world. Our achievements or mistakes can certainly carry over. I suppose it's something we'll have to grapple with more seriously when we're talking capital M - Metaverse. Thanks for reading mate.
on the flip side - there's a lot of scope for gamifying the learning experience and creating simulations and virtual experiences that require actual learning in order to skill up. Imagine a star wars podracer game where you can learn the basics of maths and engineering, and it all contributes to your avatar skillsets (which then becomes your digital ID card)... then are you investing in a virtual world or is it virtual investment into the real world? Who knows, soon we might see Fortnite University as an actual thing. They already have fashion shows and album launches on Fortnite so why not real world skills?